When parents separate, their children feel it too. But how often are their voices heard?
Based on the original production by French/Algerian theatre maker Mohamed El Khatib, The Dispute turns the tables on the common narrative of family separation.
Six children take the stage to share their stories, questions and perspectives on their parent’s separation; and those of other young people like them. They ask burning questions and put the event into words, telling it how they see it.
Each of the young performers has taken an active part in the creation of the work. Their observations reveal an intelligence and awareness that is moving, sweet, funny and insightful. The Dispute is audacious, mischievous and emotional.
Post-Show Chat with the Cast of The Dispute
Following the performance on Friday 4 June, join a post-show chat led by The Dispute’s young cast, with director Jackson Castiglione, and child welfare experts including Stepfamilies Australia’s Phoebe Wallish. It’s a relaxed opportunity for young people attending the performance to engage with other kids from separated and blended families.